EVS Challenge: Wk 3 Walking

WK 3: Depth of Field: Walking. I seem to always go for an aperature that is wide open when shooting wild life…I think the blur makes the subject stand out. I took this at our zoo and the large aperature also hid the humidity on the aquarium. This little dart frog walked slowly right in in the center of the aquarium and them JUMP and he was gone. These little dart frogs are a challenge to get a good picture of.

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Mother’s Love (#43/52list)

It has been so cold here that I have not had much ambition to get outside to take any pics with my new camera so I decided to hit the zoo today.  The first place I headed was to the orangutans to meet it’s newest member.  This little girl was born on November 19, 2014.  Since orangutans only give birth to maybe 4 or 5 babies in a lifetime, this birth is very important to the Orangutans population.  Isn’t this the face only a mother could love??  Too cute!


The baby did have a moment where she opened her eyes to take a good look at me…


But I don’t think she liked what she saw…


So she nestled back into mom and went back to sleep!
